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i got this game!

Guest Rogue15

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Guest Thrawn

maximum install and set everything to it's lowest possible setting. good luck



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Guest Fondas

I'm afraid that even if it manages to launch, it would be unplayable. I had it installed on a p166, 32 RAM and a voodoo2. There were a lot of missions where I lost only because the frame rate was terrible.


[This message has been edited by Fondas (edited August 04, 2000).]

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I *think* it might work, cuz it works on my P1 cyrix 200mhz 4mb video card 64mb ram.


and yeah i will get a new computer ;-)



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Yeah I had a p200 and it did work, I lost missions because it had been so long since I had played Tie Fighter and X-wing

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Guest JC_DeadEye

Yeah, but then he didn't ask you if it could play on a 200Mhz now did he? I heard of somebody playing on a P100 back when DM's was still a thriving site.

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Guest Cid_MCDP

i installed a copy of XWA on a customer's machine when i still worked at a computer place and was surprised it worked as well as it did. they had a p1 133 with 48mb ram. installed everthing i could and dropped all details. still had to turn the sound off for it to be playable, so in response to your question, probably not. if nothing else, you probably don't have the ram for it. get a new box, kid!



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Guest OtanaMan

Yeah, but are you really going to spend $1,000, more or less, on a computer just to have XWA run better? Wouldn't it be better to just upgrade your current system?


More RAM, HD Space, Video Card, Processor Speed, etc.


OK, maybe that will cost more. MAYBE.

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Guest Thrawn

lol Tek


actually, you can buy computers with 64MB RAM 10 gig HD, and a 500-600Pentium for under 800 bucks.



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Guest YT-2000

Greetings, pilots...


I agree, it is important to the excitement to have a relatively good computer. When I fly into the Death Star, if I ever manage to, which I doubt, I want as good graphics and sound effects as possible... Which I won't have...

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Guest Rogue15

Yeah i think i'll upgrade mine (like take all my money and give my computer to compusa and say upgrade this load of trash please. I need all these games to work better:


Jedi Knight

Mysteries of the Sith

TIE Fighter

X-Wing Alliance


Those games are all fun and i am thinking about getting a Voodoo2 graphics card (i don't know, can a 486 AST 4I have one of those installed?). I got 80 megs of RAM and the recommended amount is 32. The stuff loads fast, just doesn't run fast. IT kinda ticks me off especially seeing how awesome jedi knight works on a pentium 3 (i almost cried, 'cause in order for it to look like that on my computer i gotta minimize it down to 1 and then i put the graphics on 600 X800 and the framerate rules, but it kindof kills your eyes and you get a headache after a few hours, and everything's hard to find.






"The Empire is on the verge of success, soon peace and order will be restored throughout the galaxy." -emperor Palpatine

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Guest Cid_MCDP
Originally posted by Rogue15:

Yeah i think i'll upgrade mine (like take all my money and give my computer to compusa and say upgrade this load of trash please.


don't bother upgrading that turd. cut your losses now and start saving up for a new computer. even if you max out that system, its going to run newer games like ****. you should be able to get a new pc with fairly good stats for 500-800 bucks. if you're really looking to cut corners, try to find something with a p2 or celeron running 233-400 mhz. that should be pretty cheap. upgrading that 486 will be an exercise in futility. you'll spend a couple hundred bucks on it and it will still suck.

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Guest OtanaMan

Originally posted by Thrawn:

lol Tek


actually, you can buy computers with 64MB RAM 10 gig HD, and a 500-600Pentium for under 800 bucks.



Aw, man. I can't believe this. My 64MB RAM, 6.4 GB HD, 366 MHz system cost about 1,100 dollars and it sucks now. Now they're better and cheaper? That really sucks.


Next time, I'm getting it from Gateway. At least, that way, I get to upgrade it after it becomes obsolete.



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