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It can't be that easy.

Guest Morfeo

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Guest Morfeo

Hello XWA Fans.


As my search continues for the home page of the AlliED editor, in which I hope to find input and stats of what that is all about before I procede, I came across an fan who made a new model for the SSD. It turn out to be the same one presented in several pics at other resent posts.


What can I say. Its big, so big that... as you know, the music of XWA changes, according to the level of the accion. Because Vader's ship is now sooooooo vast, if you fly around the front or rear section of the ship the music will remain in relax mode. As you aproach the center however, you will notice that it will change into stress mode. Its kind of funny, I mean, how many kilometers is it now? The music changes at a certien proximity from the accion. Needless to say, it did not expected to come across sush a titanic vessel. As for the addicional details, good deal. As I cruised my way around the buildings and connectors I was reminded of the last rebel cutsence in XvT:BoP in which you see an X-W trying to shoot a T/F down around the same area on the ship.


I was interested in the ship, because unlike all other ships, this one was graphicaly the same as seen in XvT. In Skirmish Mode, the ship appeards where it is told to be, unless you put her alone, in which it will apeard right next to you, regardless. I have no idea of want kind of impact the new SSD will have in the Single Player Mode. Believe or not, I am only in the Secrets Weapons of the Empire battle.


The real reason I am writting this post is because of the unexpected ease of installing the ship (which comes in a file called OT%#@&^, ammm...what was that again?) into the game. Remove the old file, and replace it with the new one, boom. I keept the original SSD file, since I play in the zone. You got to be kidding. I see this as good news! I am aware now that eventually, there will be new versions of the rebel fighters avaliable so that you can replace them with the old ones. Since a have a good PC, I might give it a try. I like the Missile Boat, as it is, it looks perfect. It has that classic Imperial look that I like. One reason it is my fav IMP ship. ;-) I am, however, whiling to trade the A-W (my fav Rebel ship) because I have seen those pics posted here, and it looks very groovy indeed!



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Guest Marril

I can tell you one thing: the 16-klick SSD will make the rescue mission in the Vergasso Asteroid Field a lot, lot, LOT harder, due to its size, it's twice the length of the original. Therefore, it will be only half as far away from the station, because the mission was designed for the original SSD.



Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.


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Guest Thrawn

Where did you find this file? I would like to have a looksie biggrin.gif



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Guest Morfeo

Hello XWA Fans


Heh! Upgrades to the rebel fighters are already avaliable. As I already have them! Something called RTR, ooops...something like that is avaliable in the XWA Upgrade Proyect site.


I was a bit worried about the instalation prosess because I have readed in resent posts that, it apeards that you have to do something other than replace the old files with the new ones.


But it turn out to be just like the SSD file, when I unzipped the zip file that camed whithin the Zip file, it gave me access to all components. In short, I installed it manually insted of automatically, chosing only the new chassis that I wanted. Turn out however that all the new chassis where very good, so I upgraded all the rebel fighters, and not just the A-W!


The X-W, B-W, Y-W, A-W and even the Z-95. Whoever did that, whoa, nice work! I didin't like any of the new cockpits however, so I keept all that originals, but I recomend that patch to everyone, because the diference is clear.


Like I did, you will probably notice a slow down is frame rate. Yes, that detail of all those fighters adds up.



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