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XWA Upgrade

Guest Thrawn

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Guest Thrawn

I just downloaded and messed around with the XWA upgrade and I love it. It's the best thing, since, well, NCA smile.gif

I do have a really tiny bit of constructive criticism though. In some of the cockpits, epscially the X-wings, I find it kind of hard to read the writing on the HUD at times. Maybe in the future you could darken the grey of the cockpit? It's nothing that major though, so you don't have to do it just for me wink.gif



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Guest Forceflow

You do realise that criticism about the XWAU should actually posted on the XWAU Forum instead of here?

Why do you guys tink we actually HAVE a Forum? Just to run around and check all the different forums to see what people think about it?

This is especially bad over at XWLegacy. People post stuff about XWAU there all the time and then expect us to reapond to it!



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Guest Thrawn

geez, fine, i'll go post it over there. nobody told me not to post here, and it wasn't just for you guys working on it, it was for everybody, so chill forcey



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Guest Forceflow

Yeah, I must admit I was in kind of a p*ssed mood there, sorry 'bout it.

Thing is, it kinda is really annoying if you work your butt of to have a running webpage and forum and then nobody posts there.


And ya know, then Thrawn posts here a complaint (though as he stated himself a minor one) about it. when I saw that I thought:

"Yeah great, what does he expect? The XWAU Members running around the net looking in every forum just to see if somebody wants to say something about it?"


So I wanted to make a point... but I guess I kinda overshot my target, didn't I?

Sorry Thrawn...



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Guest Marril

Forceflow: taht reminds me, they also seem to add "we look all around the net for praise about XWAUP and then annihilate all people who say bad things about it". Kind of like what happened to me. No offense to anybody...



Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.



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Guest Thrawn

I understand Forcey. Gimme a hug! wink.gif



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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Guest Thrawn

*dissapointed tone* Well, I guess. wink.gif



"Have no fear, your local Grand Admiral is here!"


Rogue 6



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