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That would have been cool...

Guest YT-2000

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Greetings, pilots...


I have, since I started playing, been a little angry on those Nav Buoys. They're easy to use, but they are not realistic. They suddenly "appear" in the middle of deep space, they cannot be used by enemy forces, they cannot be destroyed or runned into, and so on. I think that it would have been much cooler if you had to type in your hyperspace coordinates manually before hypering away.


And for those yellow brackets around your targets. Wouldn't it have been much more realistic if you had to use your CMD instead? Of course, much harder, but anyway...



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The nav buoys are not physical objects, they are holograms generated by your ship to mark your hyperspace jump-off point. It says as much in the tech database on the Calamari cruiser. I think it would suck to have to type in coordinates manually. Maybe have each location a seperate button (preprogrammed hyperspace locations in your droid or something), so you only had to hit 1, and then you'd get your holo-buoy, and then hyperspace out. That might have been cool.



Keyan Farlander


"The obvious mathematical breakthrough would be development of an easy way to factor large prime numbers."

- Bill Gates



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YT-2000 I suggest u play with the demo! in this they are physical objects u can bump into! I agree It would be fun having a nava-computer which calculates grav-wells etc. and full flight plans, as referred to in one of the jedi-academy trilogy books "lando looked at mara in her skin tightflight suit and thinking the curves of her body reminded him of hyperspace vectors past gravity wells. I would also like to land manually, and take off from planets and see them get smallaer as I leave unlike the back drops of current xwa galaxies where you can fly forever at a planet and never get there. Yes, everything should be an object, but this is a space shoot-em-up, not microsoft flight simulator!

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