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Mission? Campaign? New Game?- Idea

Guest Storm Ops

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Guest Storm Ops



I have been playing with an idea in my head for a mission.. actually its been there for a while.


Problem is I have no idea how to use the editors... I used to, but I have forgotten, I even made a level once.... but lost it during my move from US, to Australia.


I was wondering if anyone would like to help me refresh myself.... or help me make it?



It follows the lines of a single pilot in a Escorting Service, known as the Forsaken .


The commander of the Forsaken a Admiral Grento (full name : Alexi Grento) is a old friend of a certain Rebel , we all know and love, General Crix Madine - General in the Intel Dept of the Rebellion.


Grento was very wealthy, from an old core family , his Great Uncle was a Old Republic Senator. He used his connections and great wealth to find and buy his small fleet.


His first ship, the Victory Star Destroyer Everless (VSD:Everless) commanded by himself, was a prised possision. One of the few to escape the Empire when it rose.

The price of this fine ship was calculated at 15 billion credits and worth around 80 billion credits today thanks to the improvements Grento placed on his beloved ship.


His second 'support' Capital ship is a Modified Correlian Corvette, the Retina (M/Cov:Retina). Boasting more fire power and shield support then most Corvettes today, it is a fine craft, commanded by Captain Feemon (full name: James Feemon).


He also bought a few fighters to go along with this, 24 R-41s and 18 Skipboats. He accepts only escort missions and has a great rep for being the best escorter around.


He does however make sure his crew aren't infactuated with the Empire. He chooses the men of his so-called 'Fleet' carefully, examing each file himself. His close ties to the Rebel Alliance are very important, he slips them information every now and then, which really starts this off.



You play as a new recruit in his fleet, unproven and untrusted. You are, Pilot Davin (full name : Tom Davin). You have great skill but still unproven in the eyes of your new squad Rio Ein , a Skip Boat squadron, you are the best Escort Squad around, 2nd only to the R-41 Squad Tarren .



Key Info- ()=abbv will need for later understanding

**= A Person thinking



That is the information you will need to know... I guess your way around, here is the introduction (story)


Beep, Beep....


Beep, Beep....


Lieutenant Junior Grade (Lt.JG) Revei rushed to her station after a short.... toliet break. Information flashed across her screen just as she got there. *Looks like a possible new job* she thought. She quickly hit the comm button and dialed Admiral Grento's UIN.

"Hello, this is the Admiral" Grento answered into the comm.

"Sir, this is Lt.JG Revei, I just received a new application... from the Empire, Im sending you the file , Sir" Revei told the Admiral

"Quite odd.... Quite odd indeed, since when have the Empire needed an escort, well I suppose with the rebellion and all they can't spare the ships... ahhh yes, Im looking at the file now... hmm Scientific Cargo? Foods and other critical supply Items? Hmm, somehow I don't think the Empire is being forthcomming in this ... alright Ill accept it, we need pay after all... cost is 4 million credits" The admiral paused "They can afford it, if anything new comes up contact me A.S.A.P." Admiral Grento concluded.


Grento was thinking for a short while, before heading to the Trans Galaxy Comm (TG Comm) and dialed a new number, outside the ship, infact, unknown by all crew and most of the galaxy, he was dialing a close friend of his...a General.

The Comm on the other end answered with a short crisp

"Hello, who is this I am speaking to"

"Um... Hello this is Otnerg, Im looking to find Enidam" replied Grento using his coding


"Ahh hello Grento, nice to hear from you... its been a while..." responded the voice from the other side."


"I have some information for you... my next client is... a friend of yours, The Empire, they are requesting me to meet them in the Correlian Sector for escort to the Barvillian Sector where they will be met by a Victory Deuce and the cargo ships taken. The supply convoy we are escorting also has an Imperial Frigate , a supposed Scientific craft... but Im not so sure... I just thought Id let you know... contact me if you have any plans you'd like to discuss"

Admiral Grento said in one huge gulp and then disconnected, leaving the General Madine a litte... worried for his friends saftey, after all , whats a Rebel General to do?


2 days later.... Correlian Sector


Pilot Feemon entered the hanger.... *he was to board his ship and take up a position with 3 other wingmates for this part of the trip* No one was expecting much here, as this area was pretty quiet. Feemon got himself loaded up , and his craft ready, and took off... he joined up with his squad, and waited for the Imperials to show.


Sure enough they showed right on time, with their current escort of 3 Correllian Corvettes from the Correllia Navy and a few fighters. The Corvettes soon took off back to Correllia, for dinner if they were lucky.


"Alright all ships, into formation, and prepare the jump into hyperspace... on my count, 5, 4, 3 .." The Admiral spoke into the comm.


"2... WHATS THAT!!" 2 M-Covs jumped out of hyperspace right in their trajectory, with 6 fighters, and 6 Assault Craft, this was planned ahead...


Pilot Feemon looked ahead, he was staring at wide open space... until 3 preybirds jumped out infront of him, from Hyperspace....


"OH my god! ..... " was the only thing he got out, before the battle started....


The game begins here. Following stories will not be so long or boring, but we need to set a... theme in the beginning... Im really needing someone to help me out as Im not an expert, but I always have loved to do something like so...


If you contact me for more information Id be pleased.... My ICQ UIN is 56477141 and my email is EngT2000@hotmail.com


Please, help me out here


Yours Truly, Storm




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Guest Storm Ops

Ooops... I forgot to say Pilot Feemon is a new recruit as well(Captain Feemons younger brother Joorge)... he travels along side Davin in his journies... I thought it would be good to start off in someone elses shoes... and then switch over.


Like in MotS lucky I just caught this...



Yours Truly, Storm


[This message has been edited by Storm Ops (edited September 17, 2000).]

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