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Is there a shareware/freeware strategy game using XWA?

Guest Novum

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I only got XWA yesterday, so forgive me if I'm being ignorant, but I seem to remember reading on a Homeworld forum ages ago that someone had created a simple shareware/freeware space strategy game (similar to Master of Orion) which used XWA for the combat sequences, it generated a .TIE file with the appropriate ships in it, ran XWA with this mission, then read the output file when XWA exited to find out what ships were destroyed. The reason it was mentioned on a Homeworld forum is that someone was interested in creating a similar project for Homeworld.

Can anyone tell me whether this game exists, or if not whether it's in development? It sounds incredibly cool (even if it's rather simple strategy-wise) as I'm also a great fan of all types of strategy game.

I've done a quick search of the forum and various XWA websites to see if I could find anything relating to this, but without success, so does anyone else know more?


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Guest SGSmitty

I cannot provide you with what it is called since I do not know. However, I can confirm that I have heard of this as well.


Sorry that I cannot help you more.

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Glad to know it wasn't just a figment of my imagination smile.gif

Hopefully someone who knows what it's called, and/or whether it was (or will be) released, will post here eventually..

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