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Can I buy X-Wing Alliance anywhere in the UK?

Guest Racecraft

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Guest Racecraft

Couldn't see it in Electronics Boutique. Will try PC World today. Any pictures of the box, so I know what I'm looking for? Or is it out on "budget" title now?


If not, anywhere to get it online?






Rob Swindells

Quite fast, getting faster

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Otherwise, youll have to do what I had to do - trawl round the second hand games stores until it appears !

Actually, there is a story attahed to my copy :

I had been every where looking for either XWA or XvT, and had gotten to the last store, but only found XvT. well, I had the money, and thought that I may as well whilst I coud, so I went to buy it...

I took the box up, and the lady said 'Ill go get it for you'.

10 minutes later, she comes back with a copy of Tie-Fighter (which had the manual to X-Wing), and I politely said 'err, no, not the right one'.

5 minutes later, shes back, and says 'Sorry, it was right underneath everything'. I luaghed and looked at it...

Well, it wasnt quite what she thought !

It was a copy of XWA, with all the manuals !

I looked at her and said as such, and she went to take it away !

I explained that I would prefer that, and that it looked as if XvT had gone off in XWA's box, so I got it for a mere 7.99 !

The guy who thought he had bought XWA actually came in whilst I was sorting it, and he was right next ot me - never realising what I said or what happened !

GOD - Ross Records will eploy ANYONE (well - not me) !

Err - yeah - sorry about the detour

Good luck getting it !



Nove Squadron, Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the MC Oracle, home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - Eclipse Star Destroyers !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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