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Guest YT-2000

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If George Lucas is going to make movies that comes to place after the battle of Endor, and if the rebel fleet is going to play a major role, (which I know nothing about) then... wouldn't it be great if he placed one of the starfighter roles at Ace Azzameen?

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Don't believe anything he says. In an interview before Ep. I he said he wouldn't direct it, during Ep. I's filming he said he wouldn't direct the 2nd. Believe nothing that u hear, nothing that you read and very little of what you see! On the Ep IV-VI games issue I'll be suprised if lucasarts don't monitor fansites such as this and realise no more IV-VI games was a very bad move!!! And with thier pledge to keep future games open-source and editable, there will be dedicated ppl like Ms. Talon making patches. There will be a Deathstar attack Shipset patch for Naboo-starfighter alliance or Republic Cruiser Vs Sith Infultrator.


Your rude and ignorant friend, Magnum

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True, just because he said it does not mean it is so, but he's getting older, and there are some other things he wants to do (another Indy and so forth), so I'm not sure he'll have time, unless he gets right into the sequel trilogy. Personally, I hope he doesn't make them. I think 9 Star Wars films would be a little too much.



Keyan Farlander


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There's always been rumors that the sequel trilogy was the Thrawn Trilogy. Supposedly Mara Jade, Grand Admiral Thrawn, and Karrde were characters GL came up with and GL also supposedly came up with the ysalamiri.

The only evidence I can come up with to back this up is that fact that the Empire is supposed to be the Nazis and the guy who took over after the Emperor/Hitler's death was a Grand Admiral.




I don't need a fancy title. I'm better than you and you know it--Radivil Shestoi, Pilot of Gundam 006 DemonHawk to Duo Maxwell

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Guest DarthHulkster

I think if Lucas ever made another Star Wars movie after the prequals, it would have to be around the Vector Prime book or whatever the series is gonna be called. A reason for this is because he could use the original guys like Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher because they are all about the same age now as in the books.

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Yeah they shold wait until lucas is gone, wait twenty years and remake everything. EP I was an anti-climax and the special ed. of the trilogy didn't solve it. Regardless of future movies, they should make shadows of the empire into a movie!! One day after the collapse of the power hungry and close minded lucas empire (lucasarts is a perfect example, great games but can u get the original x-wing source code off them? no, you can download quake source code which is newer though) the rights will be open, and movies, tv series, about ten times current fan fiction will emerge!


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Guest DarthHulkster

The only problem about making shawdows of the empire. They can't use the original actors like Mark Hamill or Carrie Fisher because they are too old. Like I said, if Lucas was to make another Star Wars movie like around now, he'd have to do it around the time Vector Prime takes place because everyone from the original movie is about the right age for it.

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Guest OtanaMan

No, but maybe you can have actors/actresses who look a lot like them! OK, let's see...


Luke: Owen Wilson (Shanghai Noon)

Leia: Bridgette Wilson (House on Haunted Hill)

Han Solo: Luke Wilson (My Dog Skip)

Boba Fett: Peta Wilson (La Femme Nikita)


OK, so maybe these celebrities don't look like them. I just like the name Wilson.


Well, back on topic. smile.gif


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I think that he should NEVER have made E1, and that E2+3 shouldnt be made.

Im not knocking the films themselves, although they werent quite ROTJ (Lets NOT turn this into ROTJ vs TESB).I think that the dedicated people such as Timothy Zahn, Kevin Anderton an the other writers that have done before and after books have done a terrfic job, and belive taht whilst the wil eventually get to a point when it is exhausted (which was inevitable anyway), that they are better than ANY of the Prequel material out at the moment !

And as to doing Vector Prime - WHAT - and lose Chewie on film !

Wow - the special effects you could do, with Chewie standing there, arms up, brawing aloud, daring the moon, with Han practically hanging out of the Falcon trying to reach him.....

THAT could very easily beat the E1 lightsabre duel, the TESB walkers, or the ROTJ Battle of Endor !



Nove Squadron, Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the MC Oracle, home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - Eclipse Star Destroyers !'

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I'm glad their doing the prequels. Who doesn't want to know how the emperor came to power? I just hope they put Xizor in oneof the prequels since him and vader were cool rivals. Did you read what the guy who played r2-d2 said about us star wars fans? man he sounded ticked, it's not like we ever noticed him inside the thing, gosh someone should sue him.

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