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XWAUP update

Guest DarthHulkster

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Oh, the patch! Okay, well now that that is cleared up, read Ms. Talon's answer again....



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Hello XWA Fan


You also have the option of installing the patch manually. Go ahead and unzip the zip file that comes within the zip file. This will give you the components that come in XWAUP. Thus, is up to you to manually replace the old OPT files that are under the XWA game and replace them with the new ones. I find this very convinient, because I not only I have tight control of what I want and don't want, but at any time I can toy around with the files whenever I please, or change them back to the originals should I come up against a player in the Zone who does not have them.



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Ammm...well, I was saing that...


After I post my letter I realised that it was said, very clearly I might add; do not extract the files or components, whit a ! at the end. Lookes like I really did it this time...


Am I in trouble?


Ammm... Yep, is Morfeo again.



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I want to have the new XWA X, Y, B and A (NOT the Z-95, I prefer the old one by miles), but I dont wanna install the whole thing.

Can I just get the new Exterior and Interior OPT files, and merely copy them over the XWA originals ?

I cant see why not, but thought Id better try before I actually attempt it !



Nove Squadron, Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the MC Oracle, home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - Eclipse Star Destroyers !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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Hehehe he prefers the old Z-95 hehehe you're the first one who likes the old one better hehee, sorry man i can't stop laughing biggrin.gif


As for manual installing you could also use the patch and choose not to install the Z-95 by making sure the litle white box before the Z-95 isn't checked. Hehehe i rest my case smile.gif


As for just the base and exterior you figure it out.... I can understand the fact that you would like more view and that the more realistic stuff will make it to hard to fly, the thing i can't understand is that you can't even bring up some respect to the once who have put hours and hours of free time in the patch...


Hehehe sorry i can't help it the original Z-95 better hehehe




Time Zone Gang forum time + 6 hours

"Only feel sorry about things you didn't do"

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[This message has been edited by decoy (edited September 20, 2000).]

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Guest Darksaber

I have to agree with Decoy hehehhahahhahahaha he prefers the TG Z-95 heheehahahaheheheehehahahahahhehehehaha


oh ohoo oh oh hehehhahahhahaha


sorry about that but you do have to laugh


oh ye what was I going to say, ah thats i, if you going to do a manual install you will have to change the POV's for each craft


so if your no good at editing you might as well use the patch and just check the boxes for the craft you wish to install


oh here I go aga....hahahahhahahheheheahhehehahahhohhohohheha




A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..... Then I came along!!!!


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The only original I like are the original torps... and the original cockpits in a few ships... and the blue ions...



"And it came to pass that the Wrath of Oingo Boingo fell upon the land. And Oingo Boingo cried out and said, "Behold, I have a wrath and I have fallen out upon your land." And the villagers of the land were frightened and proclaimed to Oingo Boing, "Behold, we are frightened, because you have a wrath and have fell upon our land." And Oingo Boingo answered to them, "Its because of you being frightened because of my wrath and falling out upon your land, that I shall destroy you." And Oingo Boingo did so. And it was NOT good, for all those who did see the great Oingo Boingo fell to his wrath."

-Tyais 3:16


Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.



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I do recognise that the XWAUpgrade crew have done effing wonders, and I am disgusted that you would suggest otherwise. The new opts look SOOOOO cool, and Im especially looking foward t putting the new A-Wing through her paces, but it would be easier for me to simply replace the opts rather than download the ENTIRE patch !

And as for the Z-95 - I actually said on their forum about this.

All descriptions of the Z-95 say that its SYSTEMS were prototypes and new innovative ones that were later refined and put into the X-Wing.

The SYSTEMS. It has never said ANYWHERE that the Z-95 ITSELF was the prototype X-Wing, just the systems.

And think, the ships is used mostly by smugglers, other general unscrupulous people (and the Republic on Intelligence ops), so it would be designed to look alluring, hence its curvy nature, rather than the military stylings of the XWAUpgrade one which looks like a badly repaired, heavvily mutilated X-Wing !

As you said - each unto their own !



Nove Squadron, Elite B-Wing flight group stationed aboard the MC Oracle, home of the tech library.


'No capitol too large, no corvette too armed. NOVA squadron, for ALL your extermination needs. Our special at the moment - Eclipse Star Destroyers !'

Commander Jon 'DFMD' Adamson - leader of Nova Squadron (B-Wing ID = 'The White Witch')

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Ok each on their own i can respect that but since i am the one who made the Z-95 i have this feeling i have to defend my self, sorry it's just this gut feeling. Now please go to www.altavista.com and type z-95 in the search bos and look for pictures. Now disregard the once that are screenshots from either XvsT or XWA please tell me what you see. Does the thing you see look like the TG version or the like the one i made???? Sorry to tell you but apart from the cockpit and nose (which where heavely modifide during development) you will find that the Z-95 i made isn't that far off.


Other than that is the fact that the Z-95 headhunter is probably the the worst model in XWA just after the ceiling crane and i have been playing with the thought that the model for the head hunter is actually the a modifide version of the ceiling crane or better jet the "flying" ceiling crane exterior opt,.... but it's just a thought.


Come on man i can live with the velvet Elvis painings but please don't call black, white and the other way around if you truely like the old one better, i will respect your point of view but please, please, please don't ever send me a picture of your...... nah that would be an insult please forget that i wrote that. Like i said i will respect your opinion but just replacing the OPT's will probably put you in some problems thats all i want to say.




Time Zone Gang forum time + 6 hours

"Only feel sorry about things you didn't do"

Star Wars Space Sim Guide





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