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Klingon Bird of Prey - u like?

Guest TK421

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Hi y'all


My Miranda-III class ship was a little lonely being the only Trek ship in my XWA space so I decided to make a friend for him to play with, hehehe biggrin.gif








For those that are interested, I'll have these ships available for download on my site within the next week.



"No no son, you gotta hit 'em in the head so they stay down, like this! *WHACK*"

TK's OPT Factory

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Um...TK421...you might want to head over to the XWAUpgrade.com site. They need texturers, and from what I can see of your BoP, you fit the bill. Very nice work. Love to see you texture some cap ships from XWA Upgrade in the future.


Chris Harben

Atlantic Beach, FL

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Stats are included of course


Haha thanks, but I'm not that good! The wing textures and the belly textures come courtesy of the StarFleet Command B'rel. I did texture the rest though.


I used the large-scale Bird-of-Prey model I built recently as a guide to the textures, and the model of course. The earlier BoP I had made (without a model as a guide) was somewhat inaccurate..



"No no son, you gotta hit 'em in the head so they stay down, like this! *WHACK*"

TK's OPT Factory

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Guest Ms. Talon

Hey TK, I just visited your site, and saw the Stargazer .opt. The performance stats you gave it are awfully high for an XWA starship-class...it's almost an invincible fighter! You may want to re-think that, there's nothing more frustrating than playing against a turreted ship that can move like that too!...(It's one of the complaints many people have against the way the YT transports are set-up in the game...too tough and too powerful to be realistic.) The Stargazer would certainly fall into that...just my suggestion.







[This message has been edited by Ms. Talon (edited September 25, 2000).]

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Just thought I'd add that I have the Bird of Prey available for download on my website now. Comes with MxvtED SHP file, it uses a fighter slot (#33) as fighter-type seems to be only way to depict a BoP and it is the only one that works like a BoP should (strafing, circling, pursuit and evasion).


Having problems with the Miranda (which is Refit-II class not III class) - Idea was to have 4 forward-firing turbolasers and a single turbolaser on each side to act as turrets, but I can't get the turrets to work.



"No no son, you gotta hit 'em in the head so they stay down, like this! *WHACK*"

TK's OPT Factory

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I may rethink the stats, but if you watch enough of the Trekkie battles (Wolf359 and Way of the Warrior are good examples) you see these small ships zoomin around like fighters, especially ships like the B'rel.


The idea was that these small ships, say Trek Destroyer class or less, would be fighters (unless you want to fly a shuttle?) while the big boys like the Excelsior, K'Tinga, and Sovereign would take the place of Corvettes and Cruisers and would be non-flyable.


I haven't updated the Stargazer page for ages so the stat's are probably too exessive as you say.


Personally I immensely dislike the slothlike movement of XWA ships so that's one reason my Stats seem a little high I guess.


[This message has been edited by TK421 (edited September 25, 2000).]

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Guest Ms. Talon

Yes, I do agree that the starships in XWA are excessively slow, this is balance out by the fact that the XWA fighters themslves are too slow and not powerful enough against the turreted ships, especially the smaller ones. It's all relative.


It's hard to mix the 2 universes together, I know, as each have their own canon. When I asked Darksaber to make the Rapier for XWA play I had to really think about how it would work, as the Rapier comes from a canon closer to the Star Trek universe than the Star Wars one. (If you visit our site, you'll see the rationale we came up with in the Rapier page, but I won't go into it here.) But, because it's in XWA, my feeling is that it has to be balanced for it.


I just got your BoP, I'll give it a whirl soon. It's stats gives it more agility than an X-Wing! Again, I'm not sure how that would work, I'll have to do some flight-testing. I'll report back. Nice work though! biggrin.gif






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