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Here's an LOL...

Guest Marril

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If you look in the SpecDesc, there's:


!SPEC_87_MANU!Mother Nature


!SPEC_87_DESC! Whoever needs this explained, is from another one. Hint: Endor.

!SPEC_87_CREW!1 - 10,000,000,000


I know that this is already known, but, hey, a nice joke from the programmers. biggrin.gif



"And it came to pass that the Wrath of Oingo Boingo fell upon the land. And Oingo Boingo cried out and said, "Behold, I have a wrath and I have fallen out upon your land." And the villagers of the land were frightened and proclaimed to Oingo Boing, "Behold, we are frightened, because you have a wrath and have fell upon our land." And Oingo Boingo answered to them, "Its because of you being frightened because of my wrath and falling out upon your land, that I shall destroy you." And Oingo Boingo did so. And it was NOT good, for all those who did see the great Oingo Boingo fell to his wrath."

-Tyais 3:16


Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.



[This message has been edited by MISSINGNO. (edited _*-@&-@&^!).]

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