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What the !(#^!( is THIS?!

Guest Marril

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Guest Marril

Okay, I don't know where else to put this, but whenever I install the 2.02 patch (the official one, my comp got wiped and I had to reinstall the game) and try to run it, I get nothing, just booted back to by desktop. Any theories? Or is it just a bad patch? Or what?


I don't have NCA or anything that might glitch it (save the RFP).



"And it came to pass that the Wrath of Oingo Boingo fell upon the land. And Oingo Boingo cried out and said, "Behold, I have a wrath and I have fallen out upon your land." And the villagers of the land were frightened and proclaimed to Oingo Boing, "Behold, we are frightened, because you have a wrath and have fell upon our land." And Oingo Boingo answered to them, "Its because of you being frightened because of my wrath and falling out upon your land, that I shall destroy you." And Oingo Boingo did so. And it was NOT good, for all those who did see the great Oingo Boingo fell to his wrath."

-Tyais 3:16


Why is it that whenever someone says SOL I am always in trouble... whether it be Standards of Learning or (the other version). I'm always screwed.



[This message has been edited by MISSINGNO. (edited _*-@&-@&^!).]

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Guest Thrawn

Don't install anything extra until you get the 2.02 patch in there.



"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

-Ben Franklin


Rogue 6

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Guest garyah99

You could try asking this in the tech section to get better answers. Also, a little more info would be helpful. IE; did your entire hard drive get wiped so that you had to reinstall your OS? or just the XWA directories. What hardware do you have? Are you sure that you have the most up to date drivers for your hardware? There may be a compatibility issue with a driver in the patch (probably video card). Check the readme file for patch upgrades. Did the game run prior to installing the patch? If none of these suggestions work, contact Lucasarts.

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Guest Wraith 5

I'm sorry but a little off topic fo just a second...


what is "u_u" suppoted to be????



I don't have to blow every thing up...

I just like to.

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Guest garyah99

Originally posted by Marril:

u_u;; there's one in every crowd.

Check the number of posts and show a little respect young fella!! If that's your attitude take your problem and shove it mad.gif


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Respect only because of the # of posts... yeesh... I could have a thousand posts of nothing but "All post and no play makes Marril a boring Pokémon" and would be respected under your system...[/sarcasm]

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Guest garyah99

Originally posted by Marril:

You want more sarcasm?

No, I think a better idea would be to have an idiot like you banned. I've played this game through dozens of times, and helped hundreds of people with problems. So has Nute and other old timers in this forum. We don't need disrespectful little snots like you around here cluttering up the place.


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Jeez, make one or two posts that PO people and you get threatened... yeesh... this brings a new meaning to the words "tight rules".


...I started this topic, if it goes any more awry, I'll save the mods a little trouble by straight-out deleting it...

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Guest Wraith 5

By all mean DELETE IT!!!!!


You asked for our help!!!


gary takes time out of his day to try to help you and you acted like this!!!!


Who do you think you are!!!! some kind of god or something!!!!!


Not many people can really tick me off, but young stupid one, you have done it!!!


I knew that the smily you put down was some sort of ASCII smilly i didn't know what it was suppoed to look like. I don't need you to act like some high and mighting person who is smarter and better then everyone else!!!


Now if you had even one brain cell in that little head of yours you would apoliges to gary and then shut up!!!



I don't have to blow every thing up...

I just like to.<font size=-20 color=gray>


[This message has been edited by Wraith 5 (edited October 14, 2000).]

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Jeez LAWEEZ!!! You remind me of someone named Goku_two. In other words, an average person, but flip 'em off, even by mistake, and BOOM! They throw a spaz at you.


Jeez, I'll leave this one message up until tomorrow, then I'll delete this topic if a mod/admin hasn't done so already:


I never meant any disrespect. I just took gary's post as one that was mocking my intelligence and that I didn't post this is the Tech board. So what? I'm one to jump to conclusions, big deal. Everyone does it once in a while.



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Guest Wraith 5

Look, we are not a buch of rookies here, we do know somethings about computers, and if you knew anything about trobleshoting problems you would know that the first thing you do is start with the easyest things!!!


And gary is right, you should have put this in the tech forum, not every one checks all of hte forums!!!


I still havn't heard much an appolgy all i have heard is something like someone trying to say that they could be wrong, but doesn't want to admit it...



I don't have to blow every thing up...

I just like to.

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Let me get that straight Marril.


You come in here asking for help, one of the old and most respect full member comes to your aid , addind merely a suggestion about where you should have posted your request and all you can reply with is surcasm and insult ?


I'm in computer business , I've studied computer science and the first basic rule about providing support is that you have to assume that the person asking for help , does not have a clue about computers, s/w or h/w.

The second rule derives from the first , saying that you must never use execive technical terminology, just because you're an insider doesn't mean that the other should know the "business slag"


That was <u>exactly</u> what Gary did in order to help you find a solution to your problem and you reply with sarcasm, feeling offended by him !


Give me a break , would you ?


I strongly believe that you owe an apologie to Gary.



P.S. Since you feel so keen to sarcasm, let me make something VERY clear to you:

My moderator status was the only reason that kept me in line here. I have to keep things in order here and try to be as objective as I can in every given situation.

Considering the fact that the person who received your uncalled attack is a very close friend of mine, I certainly hope that you do understand the tremendous effort I had to make in order to keep my voice and anger restrained.



"Citius, Altius, Fortius"



[This message has been edited by Fondas (edited October 16, 2000).]

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Guest Wraith 5

What was that all I head was some mudering...


how about you Fondas, gary????


did you hear and apology????



I don't have to blow every thing up...

I just like to.

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Guest garyah99

Doesn't really matter at this point. I am a forgiving sort, so whether or not Marril has the common courtesy to admit he was wrong is really a moot point. I certainly won't lose any sleep over it. He has only hurt himself because unless I missed something he still has a problem with his system and no one to help him. BTW, thanks for the support Wraith and Fondas! My good friends!


[This message has been edited by garyah99 (edited October 17, 2000).]

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Jeez... this topic's gonna be gone in a few minutes... I'm assuming deletion isn't mod/admin only...


Wait, if I delete this, then you can't read this. I am in a predicament here... *in Homer Simpson voice* Help me Marge...

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