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Too many upgrades?

Guest NamelessOne

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Guest NamelessOne

I may be alone here, but I think that they may have overdone it with the upgrades. I don't see why a regular infantry unit has to get about 10 technology upgrades before it reaches it maximum strength.

I know that this is a minor concern, but I was wondering how everybody else feels about this.

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Guest InVirtue

I disagree


I believe having many upgrades adds to the fun of the game. Now you haveto worry about Making the units, using good strategies when engaging in combat with the units, and keeping the units technology up to date or ahead of your opponent

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Guest InVirtue

In my opinion we should have more...


I mean the average player will most likely have max tech researched around 50 60 mins into game? If its a no rush game or the players are very skilled the game will most likely last much longer... So after the 1 hour mark the game goes on without upgrades? Thats one of the things I didnt like about other RTS games, in the long in deph fights the technology advances run out...

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Upgrades are good but if you dont see the results in the game they are useless. In the demo I did notice that the upgrades did effect the units which was good to see. I prefer that upgrades be expensive but really effect the unit, like if an armor upgrade would give 50% more hitpoints or a rapid fire upgrade.


That way you group of 10 troopers wont last against my group of 5 upgraded troopers.

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Guest NamelessOne

What couldve been done with upgrades: Only units that are created after the research is complete will receive the bonus. This would effectively weaken rushes and bring in another strategic timing element to building troops.

Or: Group similar upgrades into a single upgrade and make them much more expensive.


Again, just a couple of ideas

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Guest nXs_Altus

There was a game that did your upgrade sugjestion nicely (where only units that were made after the upgrade got the effects)... The problem with that though is if you have no way to upgrade your older troops, what then? throw them out, have them shoot eachother in some kind of mass suicide? Actualy the game I am referencing (which I cannot remember well, like earth 2100 or something) allowed you to update your troops that were made before an upgrade was researched... generaly all you had to do was pull them back to a repair station and in some cases you could give the unit the upgrade in the field... sorta makes sense if you have 30 troopers and get a realy new tech upgrade to have to pull some of those troopers back for training and new equipment...

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