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My first impressions of the game.....

General Nilaar

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First off, let me make clear that I am not an obsessive SW's fan, nor am I a rabid SW's hater. I like SW's, but in no way would that influence my opinion of the game. I hated Force Commander after all (though it had a couple of good ideas). Now that I've made that clear, let's move on....


I've never been a fan of "quest" missions. In a RTS game I want a straight up battle where it is MY strategies that determine the outcome (one reason I hated Tiberium Sun). To me they are just a way to cover up poor AI. Obviously I was disappointed in the campaign mission. There's no telling how many missions will actually be like that though, and besides I rarely play any RTS game single-player these days so it's not really a game breaker for me.


I also think that the choice of map for the Multi-player game was a poor one. They should have made it a general random map game. If you're only going to have one game type, then that should be it. And I would have chosen a map that was less of a dead wasteland. The Yavin or Naboo maps would have been perfect.


Other than that I am pretty pleased with the demo. They have to do something about the air units though, and maybe bump up the cost of the towers (all kinds). Just too cheap for what they can do. We don't have to copy AOK in every little detail.


I didn't mind the voice acting, it would be impossible to get everyone needed for the movies for this game. I'd rather have something than nothing. What fun would plain text taunts be?


There isn't much music in the demo, but what is there gives us a taste of what will be in the game. Straight from the movies, and it sounds great! That makes it 10 times better than Force Commander right there. I'm hoping the music will be determined by the civ you are playing, that would be neat.


The graphics and animations haven't bothered me at all. I think they're just fine. If they improve then that's great, but it's not too shabby even now. It may not be 3d, but then again not everyone has a broadband modem. Too many companies are assuming that you do and it's killing gaming online. Note: Though in the main menu it gives you full resolution options, in the actual in-game menus you only get one. Obviously it'll look better under a higher resolution.


I went into this expecting AOK with Star Wars. And that's exactly what I got. Not a bad thing considering AOK is one of the best 2d RTS games of all time. It's certainly the most popular RTS game out there.


There's a few problems, but not very many, and many of which will likely be fixed. Now if you didn't want a SW's AOK, then yes you're going to be disappointed. But it was never a big secret that was how the game was going to be so I'm not sure why so many people are surprised by this.


It's not going to be a revolutionary game. But it's still going to be better than the majority of RTS games out there, and after Force Commander, that is a big relief to this Star Wars fan.

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Guest Drakeon

sorry, just a nit from me:


"It's certainly the most popular RTS game out there."


Actually I'd say Starcraft is the most popular RTS out there..

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