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What? That's It? Oh #$%@&* Me.


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OK, I was evil, really, really evil. Full on massive darkside type. I blow through Malchor V like a hot knife though butter. Wax Traya and her silly lightsabres. Cast her into the core of the planet and am all set to be bad and what do I get for an end trailer....a zoom out from the planet core to the surafce, some shots of space junk falling to me and ...credits. That might be the weakest ending I've ever seen to a game of this scale. No claiming the lordship of the Sith, no parade, no hey crew I just smoked the bitch queen we'd toted all over the galaxy. nothing. Man am I cheesed off.

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  • 4 weeks later...

well then perhaps you are just looking outside of the box, try looking inside more. took me a few play throughs to figure out the games true meaning for both light and dark endings, sure the ending cinematic was


but the events and dialogue that leads up to it fill it up more, plus ya its just like matrix:reloaded and look at the bright side, we know a KOTOR3 is coming:D

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the point is that yes, the ending resembles the "ending style" in matrix reloaded, but thats not a good thing. second, its not 100% sure were getting K3, anything can happen and the game industry isnt really known for forfilling the wishes of the fans, more like filling their own pockets with cash:D so even there is a chance it might be made, theres a good chance it wont too:(

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LOL.... pretty sure it was Atton..... but when you see the ship crashed into the mounted like that.... it didn't look very flyable seeing as how the glass windows were broken...... but there we see it.. flying majestically through space. Don't know what the hell happened to the rest of the crew..... and was Mira(if you played LS) was Mira thown from the ship or something? Cause she was waking up in the middle of nowhere commenting on another slice of galactic paradise (which I found hilarious) then Hanharr appears.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think they had the ending like that so that they can finish the story up in KOTOR III, and they couldn't give too much of the story away in the second episode (that being KOTOR II). If this is meant to follow a trilogy path, then I think Knights III should be the last one. Remember the original trilogy's format? The first episode introduces the characters, the second puts them in the worst situations, then in the third they get out and the story ends. This is a Lucas product, after all.

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