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It's really good.... but not as good as the first one


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"The Sith Lords" what a sweet title... I thought there were going to be superMalaks

(speaking of difficulty) in every planet coming after you.... It would have been incredible



I'm tired of saying this, but again I feel compromised with expressing my opinion about The Sith Lords; it's not a "fatal deception" but certainly, I waited for KOTOR II and expected a far better accomplished game or something that could become a game worthy of being THE SEQUEL TO KOTOR!: less bugs, better graphics, a great story, more items, a better gameplay, an easier management of items, upgrades and equipments, and the aligment and influence upgrades...


From all of these, I think Obsidian missed only one thing: THE STORY. Because, Obsidian didn't improve the graphics, but added some nice movement upgrades, and texture etc..., the bugs can be forgiven,

(except that appearance of Bastila in Carth room)

, the gameplay with all those new options was more enjoyable the upgrading items... the influence and the aligment... I liked all those... but the most important thing, the story, although I think it is a very, very good story (darker, more sinister and mysterious) I think Obsidian failed telling it; I mean the story didn't fail, but the way it was told did... e.g. at the end of KOTOR I, "the circle was complete" you know, you fully understood the motives and endings of the characters, and their backgrounds, but know, to know the "full" story, you have to be very "sensitive" with your influence, its interesting how that influence worked when I was playing, but the only issue I have with it, It's that you don't know the stories, that wouldn' be such a deal, If the story developed as one would expect, but in the end (I think) if you dont know exactly what happeed with ypour mates in the past, you won't even understand the real story; KOTOR was a fantastic story, with a fantastic way of telling it (AND THAT TWIST:D !!!!!), but maybe letting the carachters develope themselves instead of "letting" you discover their stories.... thare are none of those charismatic charcaters I knew on the first one; (Mission), instead ther are a band of chaotic, darker bandits and scoundrels, which I liked very much, but never knowing the story of them, It's like only changing faces when you select your party

(HK-47,T3M4 and ALL-MIGHTY-Kreia

are really the characters I would expose as exceptions.


I've only finished it once as Lightisde Jedi male, almost a saint, in 25 hours, but when I remember all those fantastic details on KOTOR'S story, (Mannan trial, giant firaxan shark, Sandral-Matale conflict, Zaalbar haircut, the rakatan, THE TUSKEN STORY TELLER!!!!! etc.....) and i look upon The Sith Lords, I only think WHERE ARE THEY?, those details that enriched so much the first one's story....


I don't know, maybe I'm just hoping the impossible, to some game to be "better" than Knights of the Old Republic, maybe is unachievable....


P.D. (I FORGOT THE "they're on Dantooine/Alderaan" reference on KOTOR I (ahhhhhhh:D )


And I agree with you about

Nihilus issue, and Sion, when I hear the title for KOTOR II was "THE SITH LORDS", i jut thought, WOW, they are gonna be like minibosses stuff.... It would have been great, ... Sion sucked... Kreia-Traya didn't; just imagine fight against Nihilus or Sion as in the "Kreia's fall video...")


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  • 3 weeks later...

still how sad i feel about it, im with some some on this..the title made it look like these "sith lords" were going to be mega-hard bastards..which they proved not to be, the game allso could have needed some more...fat on it:D its kinda skimpy compared to Kotor1's side-quest's and characters, but besides from that i tottaly loved it:p

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