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For those looking for a guaranteed Silver Crystal- here you go..works 100%


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On Nar Shadaa there are two merchants,

Geeda and Oondar. If you talk to Oondar he will complain about a Not-male Rodian. Ask him why there is no line and he will tell you about Geeda after that, choose the dialogue option about her. If you help him he will give you a discount. Talk to Geeda about Oondar and she will give you a discount. Talk to Oondar and he will threaten you. Tell Geeda about the deal, and she will say you have to choose between Oondar or herself. Side with her and ask about opening trade routes. She will tell you that she can trade with Dantooine and Onderon if you resolve the situiations on them. Complete Dantooine then talk to her about opening trade routes then about Dantooine. She will have more items to sell, including a Silver Lightsaber.



spoiler tags added - Darth333-

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Yes. We're all very impressed with your skill to copy and paste things from Gamefaqs. :)


EDIT: I know I probably sounded real mean...bla. Sorry. I didn't mean for it to sound so cruel. Sorry and all. >_O


Anyways, I guess I was trying to say that unless you give the person credit, it's kind of implied that you figured that our yourself. *shrug*

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There's also one on Onderon, in the palace. It's in the supply room next to wear you meet Kavar. The box in the corner that requires security to open. Dunno what level your security needs to be but mine was at 15 and a security tunneller will open it. You will get a lightsaber, a random crystal, and a silver crystal. Worked for me every game so far.

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