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Newbie mission question

Guest Hu Man Bing

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Guest Hu Man Bing

Okay, I have a very embarrassing problem. This is even more mortifying than, say, head lice or ingrowing toenails. My problem is this:


On about the third flight mission in the Family Transport, I have to help my sister Aeron check out three container sites.


Each time I play this mission, we complete the objectives as far as I can see. However, I have never actually managed to succeed in this mission. I wait until Aeron picks up her container and hypers home, then I follow her. I wait until she docks with the home base, then tractor in.


Can anybody tell me what I am doing wrong?


PS It's good to see the welcome return of the Missile Gunboat...



If the Rebels actually won, they'd be out of a job.

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If you look at the mission goals, you'll see container site 2 is green (indicating sucess) but only 66% inspected, if you fly back there you can finish inspecting them and complete the mission.


It is a known bug, but not hard to fix once you know what to look for.

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Guest Hu Man Bing

How very bizarre. Thanks for the tip, and I'm off to complete the mission!




If the Rebels actually won, they'd be out of a job.

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