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Ladder, Tourn or League needed?


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We're thinking of opening a competition for this game at BrotherhoodofGaming.com. I've read that the twl ladder may actually be starting now? We could have something open in a matter of days, is there any interest in such a thing? If anyone really interested please post in our leagues/ladders forum. We also offer members the chance to join or start competition team (easy way to start a clan) I'll just paste our little advertisement thinger here, just click the link if anyone wants to get a league or something goin for Battlefront or maybe wants to admin the same.





Please come register at our new forums covering everything under the sun. The site is not at 100% yet but the forums are. We run a few game servers and are always taking requests to run more. We also help our members form competition teams by supplying them with their own forums, teamspeak channel and practice servers whenever possible (much easier than starting a clan from scratch). Many of our members are already a part of a clan but take part for games their clans don't support. We are also looking for server admins, forum moderaters, and ppl to update certain parts of the site such as videocard drivers and upcoming game release dates. Stop in and set your profile sig and custom avatar now, just click the pic. Suggestions are always welcome.


If this post has been placed here against your rules please contact us and we will have the poster remove it immediatly - BrotherhoodofGaming.com Staff

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