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Compatibility Mode...


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  • 1 month later...

It shouldn't be on unless you enabled it in the first place but for baby step one....


locate the Grim Fandango program file, the one you select to start the game.


baby step two....


right click on the program file


baby step three....


select properties


baby step four....


select the properties tab labled "Compatibility"


baby step five....


at the top of the menu box there is a selection entitled "Compatibility Mode"

Inside this area is a checkbox that sez "Run this program in compatibility mode for:". Make sure that this box is NOT CHECKED to disable Compatibility Mode.


If you did want Compatibility Mode enabled you would check this box and then choose the version of Windows you desired compatibility with.


baby step six


Below are other settings that can help to ensure compatibility by lowering screen settings and disabling certain features.


If any of these settings has been selected you may wish to try unchecking them also. The display settings shouldn't cause any troubles checked or not but I don't know this for a fact.


Hope that was clear enough.



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