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Detaching , UVW mapping , and Unwrapping UVW


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Detaching , UVW mapping , and Unwrapping UVW


Our example: on a box


Create a box convert it to editable mesh by right clicking and choosing convert to..> editable mesh.


So your first step is to split your cube up using polygon sub object mode select each part and hit detach [ with to element checked ON in the little window that pops up ] , so the top, bottom , left ,right and front, and back all have mapping cords.


Now the next part exit the sub objects and go to edmesh level now in the Modifier drop down choose Uvw map and in the case of a gun box mapping or planar are your best bets


Set it to the Z axis and hit fit you should now have a orange box the same height and with as your box or {plane for planar or sphere for spherical or cylinder for cylindrical | The axis varies on the model and the skin }



Next we go to the modifier drop down again and chose unwrap uwv


Now because our simple cube is split up in to elements we can map this in moments

So enter the unwrap uwv subs and select faces . Now select the top of the cube you should see a yellow outline plane [aka your mapping gizmo] showing how the mapping will be applied choosing one of the fallowing axis’s x, y, z, or average normals to map your texture the best way. So in this example [check on ignore backfacing] you select the top and bottom first. On the Z axis hit Planar map button and hit EDIT button now you can see your uvw edit window


The section you just mapped is in a free transform gizmo now take this selected part and move off to the left. Now lets make the right and left have the same texture cords so we select both sides holding ctrl + left clicking you can add to your selection. Ok so now with both sides selected the mapping gizmo should be dead center so in th Y axis hit Planar again now move this off to the side in the edit window with enough space so when you go back you don’t accidentally click the wrong part. And do the same for the rest on the X axis for front / back


So the way I have just instructed you will have identical textures on opposite sides of your box , some time you don’t want this so in that case just select one side and map one at a time . ok so now there is a border area in the edit window that all of your mapping has to fit back inside, this is the hot zone that the model looks for , select it all and right click chose scale and scale it down to fit you can zoom in make any adjustment you want flip on a mirror axis and use the fast 90 or – 90 rotate tools to make this fit and match up


Take a screen shot and paste this in photoshop or psp **see few post up about properly setting up you uv map in a paint program** and get to work make your texture at 512 X 512 , or 256 X 256, or 128 X 128 , or 64 X 64, When saving your . TGA always at 32 bit with alpha channel keep the name under 16 characters or the game will not read it


Back in max hit [ M ] get your materials editor and set your shader type to metal , set diffusion to white and to the right of the colour you see a grey empty button , hit this and on the top of the next window dbl click bitmap , set the File type to targa browse for your texture once it’s loaded on the material slot drag and drop the material sphere on to your model below the slots there’s a checkered box button click this to display your texture in the view port or ports that are displaying a smooth shaded model not wire frame.


Now take this knowledge and apply to any model you want some uwv mapping settings are better for different shapes ex: saber hilts use cylindrical with caped on swords most often use planar. I most often use planar on masks swords and guns but then again it depends on the model.


Happy detaching, uv maping and Unwrapping and skinning ;)



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