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Small, but important SIEGE Tip: Rocket Ammo


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This might be old news to some people, but before I forget, I noticed this the other day playing Siege Hoth.


You know of course, how the Wookiee (Rebel Heavy Weapons) starts with the Merr Sonn and 10 rockets?


Well I long assumed that his max rockets was 10, simply because not only is that what he starts with, but when you go from 0 and hit up an Ammo Station until it starts beeping at you madly (indicating you can't take anymore from it), you can only go to 10.


My clue that this was possible should have been that the orange "ammo field" in the HUD was not completely full at 10 (but with other weapons it is, IIRC, upon starting or reloading from an Ammo Station).


HOWEVER, if you pickup dropped "batteries" (Ammo Dispensers) from Techs of either team, your total goes OVER 10, and continues to climb. I assume then the max is really the same as the rocket ammo max in the rest of Jedi Academy (25 rockets, see here). To test my theory, I waited until I had built up 21 rockets this way, and then went over to an Ammo Station and hit "use." Sure enough, my ammo count was RESET to 10!


So all you rocket toters out there in Siege land, carry around a tech (or follow one) and you'll have more ammo...

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Something else I didn't realize until recently... a Tech CAN, under some circumstances, give himself back ammo!


That's right, if the Tech is out of ammo he can toss a battery and pick it up. If he has less than 300 DEMP2 ammo, he'll get more, until he maxes out at 300 units (which is NOT the max for the weapon BTW). If he grabs additional batteries, he gets nothing more, whether the batteries are from himself, another friendly Tech or even an enemy tech.


It seems that there also may be other limits on the amount of ammo given to weapons when batteries are collected.


We have the above example with the rockets, which can be maxed out at 25 (the max for the weapon), which is something you normally CAN'T do by only resupplying from Ammo Stations (for a max of only 10).


Now it seems that sometimes Tech's can't "heal" people and other times can't heal ammo (by directly "Using" a teammate). However it may be that they have to have to the proper weapon selected, that is not yet "maxed out" at whatever level it is for the "healing" (of ammo) to work. I'll have to try to test this further in the future, but it's very interesting.

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