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Uncle Antan mission....

Guest manic48

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Guest manic48

Hello fellow XWA'ers,

How the heck do u complete the 'pick up Uncle Antan' mission??? I first attempted to dock with the station, fine, the blasted robot got off, I jumped into the turret as per instructions, Died. I then decided to take out the fighters,Arrrgh! too many, Died.Ok, I thought, drop the robot off, undock, mix it up a bit, clear off at great speed, come back, dock, Died.(anybody got a nuke launcher??)right says I, fed up with this,I'll go in with the Andrasta, kill all the fighters with his help, hang on! he's going...Arrgh! Died. Could U help?

BTW the best ship in the universe(Lucas or otherwise) was the Liberator from Blake's seven (everyone from USA goes Uh? everyone in the UK inserts nasty reply HERE)

otherwise, great game!

Manic48 ''hasty are you, ways of the force you know not''

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Guest U.C.R Commander

You have to fight off all the fighters once you do dock hop into the turret by then a reserve force will come out there should be about 3 or 4 of them maybe more but you should charge your shields before you dock just to make sure you will win but just make sure kill all the fighters or you will have a hella load to deal with.

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