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battle 5 mission 5 xwa


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Guest ACEJim

Save the shuttle to a memory location, then you can quickly select it and hit "a" to see what is attacking it. Don't destroy each PB, just shoot at it long enough for it to break off it's attack. Always stay close to the shuttle, about 2.5 clicks away, and watch out for the last group of PBs that arrives very close to the SHU.

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Guest Sampo Pitkänen

Well, this is a mission that demands some real flying. You aren't allowed many breaks. Protect Fey'lya's ship until the fighters you KNOW will attack the shuttle appear. Then put everything into the engines, and head for teh shuttle. Then, target the fighters attacking it and use all your missles on them to destroy them quickly.

When there are no more ships attacking the shuttle, return to Fey'lya's ship, and help defend it. You should ignore any ships attacking you. Remember, some more fighters will target the shuttle when it comes back out of the hangar.


But to complete the mission, you really have to know how to fly.

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