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help missing saber lens part


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im basically done on nar shadar. and












i just killed the jedi master. yet im still missing the focusing lens for the lightsaber. an dyes i have done the dance quest ic ouldn't find it in a container. i have also killed lootra, i got the second piece from him. now all i lack is the lens. where do i get it?


i even tried using the give item code. it worked, gave me the lens. but whats his name still says im missing the lens when i talk tohim.

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when you post something you suspect is a spoiler, be sure to put it in the spoiler tags.

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As for your missing Lens...

if you beat Nar Shadaa and did all the quests available, then perhaps you may have missed a quest or will just have to get the last part on the next world.


Sucks I know.

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alls well now. wheni went back tot he ebon hawk after killing the jedi i ran into visas and defeated her. it gave me the lens then. i now have a duelbladed yellow light saber. i prefer dualwielding myslef, but i figured that would have to wait till more lightsabers start showing up.:)

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