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Maybe the dumbest question ever...


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...but where the bloody hells are the "transit" button? The manual says it is supposted to be in the "map" directory. The Read me does not mention that it has been removed (why would it anyway?). What cunning orce power has dimished my sight so that I can not see the friggin' button? Am I blind, stupid, or what? I just can't bloody find it.

Educational pictures with pointers marked will be appriceated.


Also, another question. I seem to have some problem with the autoupdate, it claims to be unable to retrive the patch. Is it just that there are no patches yet?


Oh, and btw, it's a great game. Much more cinematic than Kotor IMHO, and the new features (like secondary weapon) really managed to remove the stuff that bugged me about it's predecessor.:D

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