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Secret Tomb Question (Spoilers)


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Alrighty... Korriban is the first place I went after I left Telos, and because I was kinda impatient, I nudged my character a bit more to the dark side so I could enter the secret tomb. My question is, SHOULD it be unaccessible by then? I would think if I took every dark option I should have been able to enter it, but I'm not too sure. I just want to know to make sure I haven't corrupted my game or anything since I still have a save from before the tomb.


My thanks to anyone that can help.



By the way, a friend told me about Kreia awhile ago, so that didn't really ruin anything for me, heh.


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I'm not entirely sure what you're saying...

You say that you did more DS options, then you say you're not sure if it would work. You also say that it would be unaccessible by then...(whatever that means).



Anyways, to enter the Secret Tomb, I think you also need a Prestige class along with the high affliation with a side of the Force. Neutrality doesn't cut it.


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I'm guessing I was kind of unclear...


For my PC Version at least, it said you needed a strong light or dark inclination. So I basically bumped my dark meter a bit more than it was because I assumed I could have naturally gotten there if I did all of the dark actions possible. I was able to enter easily with a bit more dark points.


I think I'm just going to start playing through with the save before the tomb anyway, heh.


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