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Hanharr - unfair


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I think its a bit unfair if you play as a female character that the only character you can train to be a Jedi (besdies the communal characters like Bao-Dur and Atton) is the Disciple. If you are male you can train Handmaiden (who you dont get as a girl) AND Mira, but as a female DS character you cannot train Hanharr.


So I ask, what is the point of gaining influence with Hanharr ?


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Originally posted by McPurplesaber

I heard somewhere that gaining influence with Hanharr increases his strength.

You heard correct...


There is a particular conversation with him that gets him +2 STR and -2 INT. You can do this as many times as you want. To thing is, is that when his INT goes below 0, it goes all the way up to 255 and continues from there. He'll get CRAZY skill points as a result. It all starts out with the option, "Why do you follow me?"


Oh, it also gets you DS points everytime. :dev11:


Besides that, you get to hear about Hanharr's evil past with high influence, if you don't mind the growling.

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Before you get the +2str/-2int, you also both gain +1 con. Which rocks.


That... and Hanharr is GODLY. I swear, if you actually put effort into him, he can be an unstoppable lawnmower of death.


Fully upgraded Ryyk Blades + Gammorean Power Gauntlets + 34 STR + Wookie Frenzy = dead everything. Sorry mercs, energy shields aren't going to save you. :jawa

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Originally posted by Bubbles

Before you get the +2str/-2int, you also both gain +1 con. Which rocks.


That... and Hanharr is GODLY. I swear, if you actually put effort into him, he can be an unstoppable lawnmower of death.


Fully upgraded Ryyk Blades + Gammorean Power Gauntlets + 34 STR + Wookie Frenzy = dead everything. Sorry mercs, energy shields aren't going to save you. :jawa


I total;ly agree, I did it with Zalbaar in the first kotor, sometime I'll make a team of my PC, Hanharr and Mandalore, should be fun!

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Even without glitching his strength, he's gazillions better than Mira. Mira is just a grenadier, essentially- Atton is a better Sentinel all around because of Heroic Resolve and Scoundrel's Luck. Also, Hanharr is useful as any Jedi Class as an anti-shield force of oblivion, whereas if you're a Sentinel, there's almost no point in using Mira at all. Plus with Hanharr, you don't have to worry about holding his levels.


(I beat Hanharr on my lightside character as a level 6 Mira, it was hard.)

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