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KOTOR 3 story ideas (may have spoilers)


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Alright ya'll just put your ideas for a storyline for KOTOTR3 (if you have one).


Heres mine: 10-15 years after Kotor2 the jedi order is rebuilt and robes are the new bling. Scouting the unknown regions has become a good business and a new planet has been discovered. It's inhabitents are DS force uses and are let by 3 people (one named Harla, another named Yuuzhan and a third named whatever the last Vong gods called). Your char is a new jedi with his/her master when they get shot down looking for a place to put an academy. Then you need to escape and get back to the academy, hopping to a planet or two (and meeting new party members). When you get to the academy on Coruscant or some place your taken in to choose a prestige class (if your DS you learn the stuff, kill the teachers and run). Then you go a-hunting for the Vong (3 planets; 1 for each god) and you banish them from the galaxy, where they cut themselves off from the force, make themselves gods and come back 4000 years later.

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That's quite an idea...especially how you incorporate the Vong...


But I still believe should KoTOR 3 involve Revan and the Exile in some way.


And I've also suggested to have the Yuuzhan Vong be apart of KoTOR 3...before getting shot down. :rolleyes:


Anyways, there have been threads like this already. Like this one discussing ideas, and this one discussing possible planets.

But you do have a prettier title. :)

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