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What?! Sorry Master Kavar!

Lord Sokar

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Someone sell me a clue. I guess I'm not following this one as much as I did the last one. Actually, it's probably Onderon... and politics. I do remember being rushed off of Onderon the first time I was here because of something I said.


So, now I'm brought back. My character is pretty heavily light (sort of by accident on Nar Shaddaa). While at Nar Shaddaa I got Jedi Cheech to go to Dantooine. Back at Dxun, Visas goes off to handle the Sith caves. I figure she starts falling again so she sucks up some dark energy (to use that expensive crystal I bought). She is getting heavily dark. I get back to Onderon and all hell has broke loose. Now I'm helping this General over run the Jedi who appeared long enough to save my ass last time I was here. I get inside and my only choice is to kill him? I was there to extract him, that's it.


Can someone explain where I went wrong? I noticed everyone kept calling me a Sith while we were storming.


Overall, I like the game, but it's a little hard to follow, much harder than the last. It seems to lead you by the nose more.


I'm half tempted to go all the way back to the start of Onderon and replay the last 10 hours or so. Should I bother? Is the bridge crossed and burned?


AND WITHOUT GIVING ANYTHING AWAY! Someone tell me which is best without any spoilers. That might help me make my decision easier. It seems to me that you have to decide pretty early on which path you want to go on, no?

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what class are you?

If you went with a lightside prestige, then you should be helping Kavar. Though It is highly probable that your dialogue choices when dealing with things prior to going back has taken you on a path you do not wish to take.


You can always try again.

What you say has a much greater importance this time, so choose your words wisely.


That is all I can really say without spoiling things.

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Wow. I'm just reading about prestige now. I read that it happened at level 15, but damned if I remember. Is there somewhere I can go see what the results of that little bit was?


I've screwed up here. I've got to go back before Olderon cuz I was already level 16 there!


This is like watching a James Bond flick.


Oh, and to answer your question, I'm level 22 now and the lightside is almost half way between middle and full light. Like I said, I let Visas slip real dark after I pulled her up to almost neutral. And the handmaden and bounty hunter won't have a damn thing to do with me.


This crew is so much unhappier than the last.

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Your party's alignment should have nothing to do with the story and the outcome.


Your problem in Onderon is that you sided with General Vaklu. The actions that you do on your first trip to the planet will set the course of events for your second trip.

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I've traced it back to the General for sure. I seem to remember there was a chick there that wanted me to get rid of the 3 guards, and it seems like maybe there was a third option. I think I picked this because it was the fastest to get to Kavar.


But now that I've killed one of the Jedi's I was suppose to gather, it's pretty much party over now, huh? No explaining this one. So now I'm in the position of being light side and I'm on the dark path because of this locations politics?


What a bummer.

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