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Jedi Bao-Dur


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Quick Question:



I have been gaining influence with Bao-Dur in order to convert him into a Jedi, however everytime i try and talk with him I still get "Nevermind' as my only response. My question is, upon gaining influence with him, what is the event I need to trigger in order to open up conversation with him to become a Jedi?


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In both my games I found Bao-Dur the most difficult to gain influence with... which is about right, since IMO he is by far the most useful NPC (less so if you're a guardian, I suppose o.O).


If you ever have to repair something quest-related, make sure he's there, and let him do it for you.

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Just played Dxun/Onderon as LS, and it is a Bao-Dur INF GOLDMINE. If you're a LS Sentinel or Conselar and really need that Iridonian muscle to tank for you, I recommend going to Onderon first. Soooo many opportunities to help people there. He was already a Jedi for me when we went there, but still.


Here's just a few



Give your passports to the woman/children and the Republic officer, use Force Persuade to talk Panor out of Riotting, and save the Mandalorian Soldier on Dxun. And, of course, side with the Queen of Onderon. Just those few things gain you like 50 INF.


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