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A few questions ( possible spoilers )


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Ok, I havnt been playing long, well ok I lie, I havnt had the game long but been playing non stop...just a few things I wanted to know:


Obviously I need my main character, but what do people recommend as the other two? ( dark side ) I was thinking Kria, due to her seeming to play a large part in the story, but I also like the Bao-dur....but I took him too far so he wont be that useful if I make him a Jedi....Atton I hate he's just....camp. Now my fav char is Visas, which leads to my other question(s) ! What do I get for gaining influence with her? It seems to me that to get influence I also have to aquire light side points! but she looks so cool and sexy that I might keep her in the group, now, being a jedi already, can she obtain prestige class?


So this leaves me with my PC, Visas and a possible other in my group, is Kria really worth keeping, I mean I dont really like her but her part in the story seems a little big to lose her.


Now another bug I've encountered is on Dantooine, if I engage force run, everything freezes, yes my pc can handle the graphics perfectly, on the highest settings, but not if force run is engaged...anyone else found this?


I'd also like to say, even though im really enjoying this game so far, it seems a little slapdash, bug ridden and im dissapointed that its not as instantly cool as Kotor1. I mean who cares if in kotor1 you dont start as a Jedi, at least you get a damn sabre sooner! And the whole Influence thing, nice Idea but it adds too much "oh dear lost influence better reloadness" to the game, preventing it from running as smooth as it could...ah well, the problem with being a perfectionist I guess.....well that turned into a bit of a rant, as and when I get more questions I'll keep them to this post save the clutter so please check back :D

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As to your question,

I like Visas. She is usually pretty dependable to have around. If you are Male, I would use the Handmaiden in most cases instead of Visas. I also really like Mandalore in my teams. For and Non Jedi he is a powerhouse with either Melee or Ranged weaponry.


Aside from that, Many times I will swap out members depending on what I need to do. I use Bao-Dur for almost all my Skills problems. Like Security, Computer, Demolitions etc... Just be sure to keep everyone in pretty good shape and upgraded. There will be times you will depend on them.


Check out My Mandalore for an idea on what he is capable of.

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your advice on Mandalore reminds me of Zalbaar from kotor1, I had him dual wield with master flurry, put out some serious damage!


I would of used handmaiden, but my PC is female, I figured if I have to spend the whole game watching a bum wiggle as I run it might as well be female. Well I think I'll use my PC, Visas and Disciple when I get him.

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