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Allied Mission Creator help


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Hi, ive been trying to create a mission for XWA, but everytime i try and play it, all of the ships crash and the mission ends. ive tried moving the ships farther apart, but it keeps happening. if someone can emai me at rman@optonline.net, message me at FamilyGuyRich on AIM, 123249818 on ICQ to help me out, i would appreciate it. thanks

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That sounds rather bizarre. Because if the orders for the ships are something other than kamikaze, and the ships are spaced fairly far apart, then you shouldn't have any problems.

But we must remember that a Star Destroyer on the map that is less then 2 clicks from a calamri cruiser would appear as if it is either running into it or bonded.


Please give us more information. Like the order's of the ships and how far apart they are.

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