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[SPOILER] Dantooine bug


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This is concerning...



the second time you go to dantooine, (after the war on onderon). The jedi enclave is supposed to be rebuilt, right? but It dosn't do it in my game. when I leave onderon to go to duxn (back to my ship) it shows me using the ship I used in the 1st trip to onderon. (is that normal?) Does anyone else have this problem?


Possible reason;

When I went to korriban, I did the stih school, then the dark tomb, but I didnt meet the jedi master who was hiding there. Is that the dead jedi you find to the south of the 'kreia is evil' illusion?


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The Dantooine Academy does seem to be as it was when you first see it but it is rebuilt. It simply doesn't have the old look it had in KOTOR I


Yes, leaving Onderon to Dxun after the war shows you leaving with the same shuttle you first came with. I simply think you decided to leave the Basilisk. That or it was left like that due to time restrictions.


There's a Jedi in the Sith School. You're not looking hard enough. It has something to do with the consoles and fighting "starving" Tu Ka tas.

I will say no more.




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Hay just a thought, this could be the stuff up...



When I went to dantooine (I used a male character) I met the Desciple, he said I'll go to koondah after I finished talking to him... but he just stays there. I got a little cutscene with him In it the next time I went to koondah, but then he dissapears. When I go back the the lower levels of the enclave, he's still there, I can have the same conversation EXACTLY the same.

He even stops to ask me a question after I say: "Nothing, Never mind." No other times can you make them repeat a question they ask you after saying: "Nothing, Never mind."



Did that happen to anyone else?



was the first planet I went to... so it means back tracking before the republic even existed! @#$!%!!!!!!!!!!!


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