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the sith ruler

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I am stuck when i went form Dxun to Onderon,i am done there,and i saw some guy coming for me unterupting my date with that jedi master,he asked me to work with him betraying the queen and i sayd i will work with him,so then i leaved Onderon,and now they say they will call upon me in the future,so,i dont get a 'call' so when will it be?what must i do?please help:burn1: :duel::lsduel: (duels are cool lol:P)

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OH great is that what happens when you get to that planet oh man how am I supposed to be surprised now DartH_MyStErY, well thanks for ruining my shock and amazement..... :rofl::lol::rofl::lol:



Nah, I was just kidding,but seriously use spoiler tags, just for the sake of others.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got the same problem :(. I made a thread about it at the obsidian forum, http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=31449&st=0, but no one there could help me.


Isn't there somebody at this forum who could help me? I really need some help with this one :(.


Extra info: I'm playing the game on the (unmodded) xbox as a dark side character. I've completed every planet, but Tobin won't call me :(.


Please help!

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