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TSL Easter Egg Dialogs (Help?)


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I have finished the game three times now (LS male, DS male, LS female) and as I understand it there should be some "easter egg" dialog goodies on any subsequent games. I've heard about the "Are you an angel?" line, the "my agent" line, and the Echani poetry bit, as examples.


I'm not getting these goodies. If one of the many brilliant modders, who delve with understanding into the algorithms of the game, could tell me what global variables need to be changed and how (KSE, I suppose) I would be most appreciative.

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You should get the flirting lines from Atton and the poetry stuff from the Handmaiden. You might need to have some influence with them *talk to them alot, take them with you alot when you leave the ship* and be on their good side for these things to take place.


I know for some conversations you have with characters you need this so you might just wanna keep trying as you progress through the game and hopefully theyll pop up. Otherwise it might just be a bug in the game.

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Did you find this out from the Prima Guide or online somewhere? Maybe you could try doing a LS male/female and a DS male/female and just switch the combos around and see what happens. Im sure you did this but you might need to make sure you completely ended the game with each character and that they were the LS or DS they were supposed to be when you reached the end.

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I played those three through completely. I have unlocked both of the end movie sequences,

Escape From Malachor V


Assuming the Dark Throne

. My guess is that as long as both of those movies are unlocked, you *should* be getting the bonus dialog. I'll press on and see if it comes with more influence.

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Kinda funny



PC: Can I ask you some questions?


HM: You may ask.


PC: I know it's an odd request, but do you know any Echani poetry?


HM: Personal shields, I love you so... crafting you and fighting with you... exhilarates me.


HM: {Sung as if reciting poetry, in a soft voice, keep the beats at the ellipses}"You are the MAIN focus of my life... (except for my melee weapons and my armor)... {takes a breath at end before I love you}I love you so."


PC: That is the weirdest thing I've ever heard. You Echani have some serious problems.


HM: {Slight hurt}Please do not joke about such things. You speak lightly of serious matters to me.


PC: Whatever. Look, I'll be going now.



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