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How do folks deal with the poor AI?


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I say "poor" because "horribly incompetent pile of crap" wouldn't fit in the subject line. Whoever wrote the NPC AI for this game should be sweeping floors, and barred from ever touching a keyboard again for the sake of gamerkind.


How do folks try to get around the AI limitations? I've pretty much had to stick with ranged-weapons for the NPC-controlled people, since Master Aimed Shot seems to be about the only ability they'll reliably use over default shot, and trying to get them to do something compliated like use Master Flurry instead of Critical Strike.... *grinds teeth*


Any advice for working with the AI, other than micromanaging every few rounds? With the gratuitous amount of combat in the game, that's getting awfully tiring :(

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they use critical strike on strong opponents and master flurry on less armored opponents, you just don't encounter that many armorless people near the end of the game, sniper shot is like critical strike, the NPC's might just be overestimating the opponent, or you're underestimating them

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Press the pause button and issue orders.


No seriously, they AI is a big improvement from KOTOR I. They would just use the default attack all the time even if they had master power shot or power attack or any other feat.

Not to forget I don't get any:"Let's use a blaster at point blank" anymore. Or maybe it's just me who's lucky.

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Originally posted by monkey joe

they use critical strike on strong opponents and master flurry on less armored opponents, you just don't encounter that many armorless people near the end of the game, sniper shot is like critical strike, the NPC's might just be overestimating the opponent, or you're underestimating them


Using the base rank of something over the max rank of something else is just ridiculous. Wish I could untrain the Feat on them so they couldn't use it at all :(

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