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Starting Stats for a Consular? (Spoilers)


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Hey, I am starting a new game as a consular. Last time I played as a consular, I made the game very difficult for myself by making unbelievably stupid choices when it came to choosing starting stats. I gave myself a very high wisdom, intelligence and charisma, and almost completely neglected strength, dexterity and constitution. As everyone knows, the first few planets of the game rely almost completely on hand to hand fighting, and at this point you have very little force powers to work with anyhow. So I had wasted precious stat points on Wisdom which I could barely use at this point, and had completely neglected the stats I was relying most on...strength, dexterity and constitution.

I think my stats were something like:

Str: 10



Int: 14

Wis: 15


Why was I so dumb? What the heck could I possibly do with a Wisdom of 15 on Peragus?? All I had was Push and The first level of destroy droid....


This time around, I want to even out my stats better. My question is, what is a decent strength or dexterity rating to start out with? I'm probably going to end up using finesse moves, So strength won't be particulary important to my character, but I'll still need a decent enough strength to train the handmaiden...Too bad there's no 'finesse unarmed.'


Thanks for any help with this!

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You have the right idea. Leave STR alone in favor of DEX because of the Finesse feat. :D


STR ~ 10

DEX ~ 14

CON ~ 14

INT ~ 12

WIS ~ 14

CHA ~ 14




STR ~ 10

DEX ~ 14

CON ~ 12

INT ~ 14

WIS ~ 14

CHA ~ 14


Depending on how many skill points you want vs. your max VP. I prefer the INT route. Don't worry about STR ever again, and devote points into DEX or WIS from now on. Unless you want to initiate a few dialog options involving the INT...go right ahead and try to get 16 into it. And then there are some dialog option requiring some skill, so INT becomes essential... :rolleyes:

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I must have read your mind!

I went with:

STR - 10

DEX - 14

CON - 12

INT - 14

WIS - 14

CHA - 14


I chose a 14 INT over a 14 CON so I'd be able to have more skills (I want to upgrade T3 to his most powerful state). I chose to raise my dexterity over strength, and was lucky enough early on in the game to find a Zabrak vibroblade, which automatically grants finesse melee weapons. Now I'm just going to focus on raising WIS and CHA, give myself one more DEX point and maybe another CON point. With 13 CON + my armband which gives me +1 CON, I'll be able to use better implants that require a 14 CON.

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For my DS Consular/Sith Lord, I chose,


STR - 10

DEX - 14

CON - 14

INT - 14

WIS - 14

CHA - 12



I felt dropping 2 CHA wasn't too bad for the added boost of being able to get to 16 CON quicker. Higher Fort save, and higher VP is just gravy.


Why did I do this? For WIS/CHA implants of course. There's a particularly nice INT/WIS/CHA implant that only requires a 16 CON to use (3 wis, 2 cha, 2 int I believe.) There are some situational use implants as well, such as a skill implants so you don't have to waste skill points for a quick task (ie: T3). A skill implant combined with Kreia casting Master Valor is often all you need.


2 things that will make your early game much easier is, Energy Resistance as your first force power. And Force Deflection so you can dodge blaster shots without having a lightsaber. Once you're towards the end of Peragus, you can start using your force powers to make things easier by incapacitating enemies. For LS, you can replace choke with whirlwind for similar effects, and replace insanity with stun.


It's nice to see that you can get through the game just as easily WITHOUT using Force Storm, or Master Speed + Master Flurry, making alternate character combinations quite interesting. Sure, your hits won't be as lethal. But I've found I can usually kill just as quickly within the same amount of time by using Force Choke/Kill (especially effective if used with Crush Opposition), and then finishing them off with a nice saber thrust.



My favorite is still the sentinel as the initial class. I fell in love with them in KOTOR, and their utility was boosted in KOTOR 2.


These stats works just fine for a Sentinel as well, provided you continue to boost WIS once you hit 16 CON so your force powers are less likely to be resisted. Dex is very easy to boost with equipment.


If you're playing a male and befriend Handmaiden, your defense will go to insane levels allowing you to wade through the battle with ease.

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