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Darkside Handmaiden?

Lord Sokar

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I'm on my second play through. Totally screwed the story the first time trying to ride the fence and be neutral. Now things are going much much better.


I'm on Dantooine as my first planet after Telos. I'm real heavy dark and a level away from prestige (which I didn't even know about the first time!). Two questions.


I've gained alot of influence with Handmaiden, she's going down with me. Oddly, while in the crystal caves, her robe is sometimes black and then it goes back! Is this a bug or something? Is she just fighting it? Lol.


I want to make her a dark Jedi asap. She would kick ass with a lightsaber. Can I make that happen soon? If so, how?


Also, I'm playing through the first time (ever) as a Sentinel and doing more killing with my mind (which is cool). When I reach prestige, is it possible to be a Sith Lord/Sentinel? Wouldn't that give the most force power capabilities? Or should I get more lightsaber power with Weaponsmaster? Or do I not know what the hell I'm talking about...

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This seems to be a glitch. When you gain dark side points your party members (with the exception of kreia and Mandalor) go 100% the opposite, going to the light side. If you gain light side points they go dark. When you leave the area you are in and it loads a new one they go back to normal. For the handmaiden she changes clothes for light side and dark side. Check her alignment when this happens. You will see. I posted a thread call Bad Glitch not to long ago. This is what you are experiencing I believe. Hopefully it will be fixed in an upcoming patch.

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Awesome! Another bug!


Are you saying they snap back to neutral or do they go the equal distance light that the were dark (or vice versa)?


In my case, it seems like it's nudging her up just north of the point where here robes turn black. I've gone almost completely dark now and she's seems to be staying and following me. I'm going to just stop this game and hope the patch fixes it if she jumps to light all of a sudden. That would just suck.


Any input on the prestige choice as a sentinel, anybody?

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Sometimes they go 100% dark or light sometimes just half. Even though they do this once you leave the area say enter the Ebon Hawk or leave it (anywhere where it loads a new map) the character will go back to the way you had them. She she doesnt actually go light. It just kinda looks that way until the game reloads a new map.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

Any input on the prestige choice as a sentinel, anybody?

You can be whatever you want. You'll still be pretty unstoppable either way. But since you seem to be enjoying Force powers, you should go the Sith Lord route.

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Here's an update, and yet another question.


I decided on Sentinel/Murauder (sp?), I missed devestating people with my saber. Got FP to burn.


Handmaiden stays consistently dark now. No problems there. But I can't get the

Kreia dialog about her mother and I can't make her a Jedi. Also, I'm trying to make Atton one but after our first discussion on Nar Shaddaa in the refuge sector, I can't get him to talk about the war any more. I'm assuming I have to get beyond that.


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After I killed my first Jedi Master, Visas and the Handmaiden had a cat-fight cutscene and when I went to approach her afterwards, she basically said: I no longer wish to speak to you. This means I can't train in the arts of the Echani, initiating the mother conversation and the Handmaiden's decision to learn the ways of the force.


Guess my plans of having a Dark Jedi Handmaiden at my side are crushed, eh?


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