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skipping family mission

Guest red 58

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Hey! The family missions are an important part of the story. I personally think that it is the fact that you can play a character who's life you get to be a part of before they join the Rebellion that makes X Wing Alliance leagues better than any other Star Wars sim. Sorry all you X Wing Vs TIE Fighter fanatics out there...


Anyway, I don't think you can skip them all. You can skip some (I think it's five) but no more than that.



That Farrow bloke you executed today, are you sure he's dead?


Well, I chopped his head off, that usually does the trick.

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Guest garyah99

Actually, you can skip a maximum of three rebel missions, you must play ALL of the family mission, unless you get a mission editor. They're not that hard anyway.

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Guest Darth Massacator

I still think they should've left an option to skip the family missions (limited like the rebel missions) because the "family" missions are incomplete, along with the game itself. In my opinion 80% of the family missions were lame anyway. Oh yippee!!! I get to pick up a cargo container. *whoopee* /end sarcasm smile.gif

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Guest garyah99

Originally posted by t_smitts:

How or where do you get a mission editor?


Never used one myself. You might try asking in the "Editing" forum.

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