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Feat editing.


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Well I am trying to remove the unarmed feats from being automatic given and turn then into general feats.


The problem I have is that there is no guide tp feats.2da editing, I know how to remove then from being automatic given but beyond that I have no idea what the other collums do.

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All you need to do is to remove them from autogaining, this will turn them into usual feats - all other data is already there so all these feats are normal feats, that are just being given to a character upon gaining certain lvl (if the mincharlevel and prereqfeat1/2 conditions are met).

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When you say, "general feats," I assume that you mean that the feats will simply be selectable instead of automatically granted?


That's pretty simple, once you know what the numbers mean. For each feat, there are three columns for each class. For the sake of illustration, I'll use the jedi guardian columns.


jgd_list is the first, and that tells the game what kind of feat it is to the guardian. If there's a 3 in this column, then it's automatically granted. If there's a 4 in this column, then the guardian can't select it at all. If there's a 1 in this column, then the guardian can pick it.


jgd_granted is the second, and that tells the game at which LEVEL the feat is granted or made available. This is fairly self-explanatory.


If, say, you wanted to make Stealth Run an automatic feat for the guardian, granted at level 4, then you'd put a 3 under jgd_list, and a 4 under jgd_granted. If you wanted it simply to become AVAILABLE at level 4, then you'd put a 1 under jgd_list, and a 4 under jgd_granted. If you don't care what level the power becomes available to the guardian, then you put a 1 under jgd_list, and a -1 under jgd_granted.


The third column, jgd_recom, isn't important. That just (as far as I know) assigns the priority for picking the feat when you use auto-level up or the recommended feat option in game.


The prerequisites make things a bit more complicated, but they're pretty self-explanatory too. The numbers under the two fields, prereqfeat1 and prereqfeat2 simply refer to different feats in the file, by line number. For instance, if the number under prereqfeat1 is 39, then the first prerequisite is Weapon Proficiency: Blaster.


It's important to note that changing the feat.2da file may not translate to your NPCs perfectly, even if you do start a new game. I think that, at least for their first leve, the NPCs are already pre-packaged with certain skills/feats/powers. I'm not positive on that, as I've never really experimented too much with them. But I'm positive that any saved game you have will only reflect your changes from that point forward.


For example, if I wanted to remove the armor feats from the jedi guardian class, and I had a saved game with a jedi guardian already at level 10 (or whatever), then I'd still have those feats. However, if I then converted one of my party to a jedi guardian after the change, then that character would reflect the new feat structure of the class (since he/she's starting at level 1).


WHew. Long-winded. Hope that helps :)

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