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Bao-Dur's Robes


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I'm new to modding so bear with me. I'm trying to make a set of robes for Bao-Dur with the left arm ripped to acomodate his arm. I was wondering if anyone could point in the right direction of what I need to accomplish this. I've been playing around in kotor tool and looked at a few tutorials but I can't find anything that gets me where I need to go. If anyone could help I'd apreciate it. Thanks.:jawa

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Model editting, which we barely scratched the surface about 6 months ago with KotOR and have temporarily deemed "impossible" with TSL.


I'm sure that the brillant minds here at Holowan Labs will eventually figure it out, but in the mean time, you're just going to have to live with Bao-Dur the way he is :D


Sorry this isn't the answer that you're looking for.

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Originally posted by Antonius

I thaught it might have been able to be done after seeing this mod




where the author edited the robe. The same thing he did on the bottom, but on the left arm. Are you saying the problem lies in editing the robe or getting the robe wearable by Bao-Dur?

The problem does not lie in the robe itself. Each of the bodies that you see in the game is a model. When your PC takes off the armor and puts on a robe, (s)he doesn't really take off the armor and put on a robe...the game replaces the body model labeled "armor" and replaces it with the body model labeled "robe". Depending on what texture is associated with the body model, some robes are black, some gray, some brown, etc. The problem with Bao-Dur is that OE didn't make any body models called "Bao-Dur with robes on". They only made "Bao-Dur with clothes", "Bao-Dur with light armor", and "Bao-Dur with medium armor". So change the texture all you want, you'll never get robes on Bao-Dur without creating your own model, which we can't do...yet.


Ah ha, but you might be thinking, "well can't I just give him one of the other body models?", to which I would answer, "Yes, you can!". However as T7nowhere (moderator and model guru extraordinare) pointed out in a similar thread, Bao-Dur's head will float about 2 inches above the body. If this is acceptable to you then go nuts. Personally, I would find it a little distracting.


I hope that helps!

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