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is it a bug?

Vlad Handar

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I forgot what level it was so I better tell what it was about:

As part of the rebel alliane, you were heading to a pirate base. Those pirates first wanted to cooperate with teh rebels, but later on they started to kill and steal in the name of the alliance.

When there base was found you got the assignment to remove the mine field and Disable the base.

But I can only succeed in this mission when I first disable the base While manouvering through the mine field and after thet removing the mine field, else the rebel capital ship would start shooting the base untill it was destroyed!

Second problem, when the Imperial Star Destroyer arrives, I am trying to take it out together with a bunch of A-Wings, but when the ISD is destroye, alot of my points are taken away because I was destroying friendly ships! just becasue those Y-Wings were too close to the ISD and were destroyed in the explosion of the ISD.

anybody else with this problem?



Vlad Handar

ICQ: 107085792

MSN/E-mail: Vlad_Handar@hotmail.com

Councilor: The Unholy Scarabs

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