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Need Help: How to point newly made item to use newly made texture?


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So, I've been delving through the various tutorials and I can't seem to find the answer to my question for some reason, although perhaps it is there and I'm just not understanding...


As many of you know, I'm just about done with my dancer outfit reskins. However, I'm not planning to just reskin the original item, I want to make it entirely new item without replacing the old item instead.


So, I have all the dancer textures completed. I have the pfbl.mdl dancer outfit model extracted (although I don't know what to do with it exactly, or if I even definetly need it), and I have created a new outfit using the G_danceroutfit.uti base and renamed it g_danceroutfit01.uti.


The new item is in game, I was able to give it to myself using the cheat console in game, however it still uses the old dancer outfit skins. I of course can override those skins, but then I have the same problem because the original dancer outfit now looks the same as the new item as well.


In basic, my question is, in the simplest terms, how do I link the new item to the new textures?


Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

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