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KotOR II - Force Potency - Bugged?


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Maybe your enemies just got stronger, or perhaps they just keep managing to save against your attacks, who knows? plus, you might not notice because its only 30% if the attack power was 20pts you would only have an extra 6 points, that and maybe most of the enmies you tried it on probably have good armor and the likes

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mmm no when Im hitting something with Force Storm and do 90-100 damage consistantly on the same mobs and they aren't saving and then I turn on Force Potency and there is no difference at all in damage something is wrong there.

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Originally posted by Zephus

mmm no when Im hitting something with Force Storm and do 90-100 damage consistantly on the same mobs and they aren't saving and then I turn on Force Potency and there is no difference at all in damage something is wrong there.

Possibly. What is bumping the thread going to do about it?
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Odd, well I mean cool for you :p

I'm using the PC version though wonder if that has anything to do with it, cause I can have it turned off for awhile and then turn it back on for awhile and... there's just no difference at all

*sigh* bugs

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