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Is it just me or is there something totaly screwy with it?


first, Yoda:

"Life creates it, makes it grow. it sorrounds us, binds us."



"It's an energy field that binds all things"


If life creates it, that means that any living being creates it. Exile included (as he is alive).


The masters said the Exile was "blind to the Force" - as hge couldn't hear it, he coulnt control it - but that doesn't mean it didn't flow trough him.

In fact, Kreia repetedly while she's training you tells you to "feel the Force flowing trough you".. and sez the crysatl draws upon "excess Force that seeps from you"


So how does that make any sense with the void in the force idea? And especially Nihilus.


If you are alive and the Force flows trough you, than Nihilus should be able to drain you.


if the Force doesn't come from you (which would be strange..you should be creating it too), where does it come from? The only Jedi with you when you fight Nihilus is Visas and she is weaker than Nihilus. If you were drawing from her, both of you shouldn't be strong enough to scratch him.




*takes every SW novel and book made after the originals and uses tham as toilet paper*

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but life makes the force grow, so that must mean no life means no force, and no force means no life, but as the other jedi said, the exile was a wound in the force, since he/she absorbs so much of the force from others loyalty, they gain thier own energy from that sorta. So technically Life still does create the force, jut not the exiles own life

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Yeah I really don't like this whole "wound in the force" sublot. It's too gimmicky, raises too many questions and contradicts too much we already know about the Force.


- How can a person have "negative" force power? If the Force is life and vice versa, then anything that does not contain the force within it should be, by definition, dead or inanimate, i.e. the Exile and Nihilus.


- How could the exile be a void? If he witnessed too much pain and destruction, and closed his mind to the Force, it would still remain within him and flow through him, he just wouldn't "sense" it.


- They keep talking about the "Death of the Force." This is impossible; as long as there is life anywhere, the Force remains. And to say that the actions of any Jedi or Sith can destroy the Force doesn't make sense. Both Jedi and Sith are bound to the Force, they can use it, but it can also use them ... the force has a will of its own, as Kenobi says, and to insinuate that any individual jedi has the power to end it would be impossible from what we know about the Force.


- I'm just glad they didn't mention midichlorians.

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