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Batu Rem Script

The Regent

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I've had some success killing fake Batu Rem with a happy little force choke, :D(custom script + dialog) but Grenn fails to enter the room afterwards. A prereq for his entrance in the dialog file is c_batudead having been executed. I've tried executing it from my dialog and from my script, but it still doesn't work. I'm not sure what number to put under P1 in the dialog, though. Any ideas?


BTW, the script that checks if the PC has force choke is bugged. It checks some master feat or something like that instead.

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c_batudead is a conditional script and not one you can execute from any place other than as a conditional check in a dialog. The "c_" prefix usually indicates a conditional script.


The c_batudead script simply contains this:


// ST: c_batudead.nss

int StartingConditional()
object oGrenn = GetObjectByTag("202_gren");

if (!GetLocalBoolean(oGrenn, 36)) {
	SetLocalBoolean(oGrenn, 36, TRUE);
	return TRUE;
else {
	return FALSE;


That is, all it does is to ensure that the dialog node it is attached to only is run once.


k_fab_batudie is the script that fires when Batu Rem dies, making Grenn and his goons arrive, and simply looks like this:


// ST: k_fab_batudie.nss (202TEL_s.rim)

#include "k_inc_generic"
#include "k_inc_debug"
#include "k_inc_utility"

void main()
   int nUser = GetUserDefinedEventNumber();

   if(nUser == 1001) //HEARTBEAT

   else if(nUser == 1002) // PERCEIVE

   else if(nUser == 1003) // END OF COMBAT

   else if(nUser == 1004) // ON DIALOGUE

   else if(nUser == 1005) // ATTACKED

   else if(nUser == 1006) // DAMAGED

   else if(nUser == 1007) // DEATH
	AssignCommand(GetObjectByTag("202_gren"), ClearAllActions());
	AssignCommand(GetObjectByTag("202_gren"), ActionStartConversation(GetFirstPC()));
   else if(nUser == 1008) // DISTURBED

   else if(nUser == 1009) // BLOCKED

   else if(nUser == 1010) // SPELL CAST AT

   else if(nUser == 1011) //DIALOGUE END

   else if(nUser == HOSTILE_RETREAT)


It just makes Grenn re-start the conversation with the player after the fight. So it would seem that as long as Batu Rem actually dies, things should proceed.


How do you kill him in your script?

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void main()

   effect eChoke = EffectChoke();
   effect eDeath = EffectDeath();
   object oNPC = GetObjectByTag("202_rem");

   ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectVisualEffect(VFX_IMP_CHOKE), oNPC);
   ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_TEMPORARY, eChoke, oNPC, 3.0);
   DelayCommand(3.0, ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eDeath, oNPC));



I have him hanging around for a while before he actually dies.


Thanks for explaining what's in those files. I completely overlooked the second one you displayed.

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