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Dantooine Khoonda defend mission question


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When you are preparing Khoonda's defences for the Mercenaries invasion, there is a side-door which can be either opened or locked period. I'm a lightsider but I 'noticed' there's a nice goodie room behind it I don't want to miss... is it possible to lock the door, for the sake of Khoonda and still get the goodies?


And another question: how to use the Thorium Charges?



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No, don't know about the Thorium charges. My guess is that you *should* be able to select them at a door - where your options are bash, security, or mine. I would expect that if you select through the mines, you'd eventually hit the thorium charge, but I don't know for sure. I know there's only supposed to be like 2 places in the game you can use them; one on Dxun [Mandalorian Cache, if I remember right] and Korriban [the chambers of the Sith Master in KOTOR 1 - I can't remember his name right now.]


Let me know when you figure out!


Or you could just go to Gamefaqs.com and look it up, I suppose.



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Thorium Charges:

Used twice in TSL to open heavily fortified doors.

The option for them to be used only appears when they are the only thing that can be used, as with most plot items.




The Sealed door in Korriban Academy ruins (Revealing a Holocron in the room behind it) and on Dxun in the jungle, a Mandalorian Weapons Cache that has a few goodies for you.


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lol! I been to the Korriban Academy and didn't use the thorium charges! I also didn't find the holocron there, I first unlocked the library/training room, then went back to the center of the academy, encountered 'the beast', was driven out the academy and now its locked! how am I supposed to get the holocron now?..

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