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Syntax Error in nwscript.nss


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For those of you attempting to compile KotOR2 scripts that include new constant values or new functions, there appears to be a syntax error in nwscript.nss that will prevent you from compiling!


Near line 5710 you will see:

// RWT-OEI 01/29/04
// 794: Disables or Enables the Orient On Click behavior in creatures. If
//      disabled, they will not orient to face the player when clicked on
//      for dialogue. The default behavior is TRUE.
void SetOrientOnClick( object = OBJECT_SELF, int nState = TRUE );


The problem lies in this part:

object = OBJECT_SELF


Change it to this:

object oCreature=OBJECT_SELF


and then place the modified nwscript.nss file in the same folder as nwnsscomp.exe.

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