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Game stopper


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I'm on Dxun the second time around in Freendon Nadd's Tomb at END & can't go any further because of bull$hit game glitch. When i get to the 4 dark jedi's or whatever they are, the lightning effect ends but then one guy is standing in wounded mode & doesn't reset to what the other 3 does, so after brief conversation then combat. The sack of $hit is still standing there can't attack him with anything i have. For you can click on him for dialogue (so i can ask him to drop & die) & doesn't answer you.


I've tried redoing the whole level again, i had save b4 entering temple, unistalled & reinstalled game, turn graphics down to low res. Nothing!!!!!!!!!


Christ this is so annoying when a company kills a good series, thanks Bioware for passing a game to a company who can't do what you guys can. If you guys from Obsidian read these forums don't rush on games, even if it costs a little more to finish it you get more bang for the buck for a polished game then one that ain't. For i returned games that wasn't finished or had content cut & they were really good games or didn't buy beacause word of mouth, reviews, forums & such. A good example I was going to buy Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines then found out it was pushed out the door not finished.

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Reading past all your needless ranting, you are only the 2nd person I have heard of to experience this problem.

Still unsure of what the cause is, or what an adequate fix would be. But you could try altering the HP of the sith lords to be lower so the lightning effect kills the 4th one properly.

I have a feeling it is due to being high level when entering the tomb. The mobs gain levels in comparison to your own, so they may have reached too many levels and have too much HP to be killed by the lightning effect. If you are under level 25-30 when entering the tomb you "Should" be alright.


Again, I am only speculating at the cause of the problem.

If I could help more I would, but please, do try and post with some civility regarding the game. It really is a great game and alot of us here don't take kindly to unwarranted bashings.


Lastly, this post probably belongs down in the PC or XBOX problems forum.



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